10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan Final Draft Presentation at April 10 Public Meeting

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

On Monday, April 10, 2023,  the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold its fourth public meeting to present the final draft of the 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan and gather community input. The plan covers solid waste collection systems, trash and recycling pickup, composting, and sustainability programs. Public input guides the 10-Year Solid Waste Management  Plan’s development.

Those interested can join and participate with the fourth public meeting online or in-person. Residents, people who work and live in the city, environmental advocates, and business leaders are encouraged to register and attend. Those unable to attend are encouraged to submit written comments and access the recorded meetings, which will be available on the DPW website.

The fourth public meeting is being held on Monday, April 10 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. virtually and in-person. The in-person meeting is being held at the Southeast Anchor – Enoch Pratt Free Library / 3601 Eastern Avenue. Registration is required for individuals attending online and are encouraged for those interested in attending in-person. The registration link is: https://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/pw-bureaus/solid-waste/plan. Spanish interpretation will be provided for both options. 

This meeting will present the final draft of the 10-Year Solid Waste Plan and hear comments from the community.

The fifth and final meeting is April 24, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and will be held virtually on Webex and in-person at Arlington Elementary School/ 3705 W. Rogers Avenue. 

The review and updates to the plan will include the City of Baltimore’s solid waste management and the impact of federal, state, and local regulations; regional setting, population projections, and the current requirements and policies for the City’s Comprehensive Plan; and policies and programs related to the Baltimore City’s Office of Sustainability’s 2019 Baltimore Sustainability Plan and the 2018 Baltimore Food Waste Recovery Strategy.

For more information about the plan, visit https://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/pw-bureaus/solid-waste/plan . You may also email SolidWastePlan@baltimorecity.gov with specific questions or concerns.

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