DPW Launches New Agency Logo to Kick Off 2023 Initiatives

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

Department of Public Works Launches
New Agency Logo to Kick Off 2023 Initiatives

New DPW Logo

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) officially launches its new agency logo. This announcement marks the first phase of the agency’s rebranding process. DPW’s rebranding will shift into implementation in the Summer of 2023 with the release of its strategic plan.

“We have accomplished so much in the past 18 months,” said Director Jason W. Mitchell, Ed.D. “The new logo represents the bright future this agency has ahead as we step into 21st-century industry, best-in-class standards, and practices”.

In an agency’s December In the Works newsletter, DPW released the educational video “DPW Through the Eyes of A Child” featuring the new agency logo. The video details the citywide impact DPW has on each and every resident and visitor in the region. The video, coupled with the agency rebrand, illustrates DPW’s commitment to improvement and to leveraging education to bring community members into the DPW fold.

DPW has launched many community empowerment campaigns this year, including the BMore LOVE Volunteer Network, Residential Advisory Council and Eco-Warriors of the Future Schools Competition, and the B’More WISE workforce training program. In the coming weeks, accompanied by the new logo, DPW will unveil several more to ring in the coming year.


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