DPW Issues Statement: Continued Compliance at Back River Extension of Consent Order, Reimbursement Agreement

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The Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant (Back River) has been in compliance with effluent permit levels for four consecutive months. The extension of the Consent Order and Reimbursement Agreement between the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and the City will allow Maryland Environmental Service (MES) to perform the projects and services necessary to ensure continued compliance at Back River. The collaborative efforts of the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) and MES have produced improved results for Back River.

“Since the approval of the Consent Order in June, we have made substantial progress toward compliance at Back River, which we can attribute to the tremendous efforts of the 180 DPW employees at Back River alongside staff support from MES,” said Jason W. Mitchell, the Director of DPW. “DPW looks forward to building on the success of this partnership and is optimistic about our path forward.”

The Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant (Patapsco) has been in compliance with its bacteria limit since early September. DPW continues to partner with MDE and MES to ensure compliance.

DPW releases bi-weekly updates on compliance progress at the Back River and Patapsco wastewater treatment plants.

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