Mayor Scott, DPW Update Water Bill Adjustment Policy Providing Relief to City Residents Facing High Water Bills Due to Plumbing Leaks

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Mayor Scott, DPW Update Water Bill Adjustment Policy
Providing Relief to City Residents Facing High Water Bills Due to Plumbing Leaks

Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Jason W. Mitchell announced updates to DPW’s water bill adjustment policy to assist City residents facing higher than normal water bills due to plumbing leaks that can drive up monthly costs. Starting Sept. 1, 2022, DPW will change how interior water leaks are calculated for City residents and offer more flexible eligibility requirements for bill adjustment requests due to interior and underground leaks.

“DPW is making strides to turn around its water billing and customer service operations. This new water bill adjustment policy is an example of the Department’s commitment to customer service, providing additional relief and flexibility to City residents experiencing increased water costs due to unforeseen leaks,” said Mayor Scott.

 “As DPW works to stabilize billing water rates to all-time lows, it is equally important that residents have tools to address higher than normal water costs due to plumbing leaks,” said DPW Director Mitchell.

These water bill adjustment modifications address the different types of plumbing leaks that can cause a resident’s water costs to increase. Situational/Interior Usage Adjustments are for water loss typically associated with interior plumbing (e.g., appliances, interior fixtures, etc.). Underground Leak Adjustments are for water loss typically associated with underground pipe ruptures, which are more difficult and expensive to detect or correct.

Bill Adjustment Modifications

Under DPW’s water bill adjustment modifications:

  • Situational/Interior Adjustments will be applied to charges for both water and sewer consumption. Previously, sewer consumption was not eligible for an adjustment.
  • One Situational/Interior Adjustment will be granted for a 12-month period. This reflects a change from once every three (3) years for Interior/Situational Adjustments.
  • One Underground Leak Adjustment will be granted for a 12-month period, previous policy allowed bill adjustments every two (2) years.


Rate Adjustment Image

For more information on changes to DPW’s water bill adjustment policy (effective Sept. 1, 2022), please see DPW’s Rate Adjustment Memorandum.




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