DPW Establishes Environmental Regulatory Compliance Section

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Today, Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Jason W. Mitchell announced the creation of DPW’s Environmental Regulatory Compliance Section. To lead the new section, Director Mitchell selected Andrea Buie-Branam, who brings 35 years of regulatory compliance experience working for the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) and the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA). 

“I am pleased to welcome Andrea Buie-Branam to the DPW family. Ms. Buie-Branam brings with her decades of technical expertise and leadership ensuring compliance with State and federal environmental regulations and laws,” Director Mitchell said.

As Chief of Environmental Regulatory Compliance, Ms. Buie-Branam will be responsible for ensuring DPW compliance requirements are executed and implemented throughout the Department.  Ms. Buie-Branam will report to Ms. Kimberly Grove, Chief of the Office of Compliance and Research.

Prior to joining DPW, she served as an Environmental Compliance Specialist IV in MDE’s Water and Science Administration. Her work focused on the following areas: water pollution control; dam safety; sediment and erosion control; tidal and non-tidal wetlands; flood control and waterway construction; solid waste facility inspections; water quality monitoring; laboratory audit and inspections; stormwater management; and wastewater inspection and enforcement. In addition, Ms. Buie-Branam resolved complex pollution cases and provided compliance and technical assistance to the regulated communities.

Ms. Buie-Branam has a degree in chemistry from Lincoln University and is a long-time resident of Baltimore City, where she is an active volunteer in her community.

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