BIG TRUCK DAY Still Equals BIG FUN for the Family!

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

This year’s BIG TRUCK DAY is a special one! The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is partnering with the Public Works Experience to make Big Truck Day a part of a multi-regional celebration to honor Public Works Week!

On Saturday, May 21, 2022, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Baltimore City’s BIG TRUCKS will be downtown to join this Public Works Experience celebration!  Look for this celebration on the promenade at Eastern Avenue, near Harbor East!

BIG TRUCK DAY is an immensely popular free community event that features vehicles from DPW and the Departments of General Services, Recreation and Parks, and Fire. The Baltimore City Sheriff’s Department will be there too.

In addition to enjoying the BIG TRUCKS, visitors can tour DPW’s Eastern Avenue Pumping Station and learn more about the Public Works Experience, formerly known as the Baltimore Public Works Museum.  Plus, there will be educational activities for all ages and food trucks!


10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Public Works Experience, 751 Eastern Ave., Baltimore, Md., 21202
Downtown Baltimore on the Promenade at Eastern Avenue, Harbor East


Big Truck Day PhotosBig Truck Day Photo


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